RTB from Seznam
The future of display advertising

If you want to successfully advertise on the Czech internet, you really can’t do it without Seznam. Contact us in order to reach millions of internet users.

600+ premium partners

95 % of the Czech internet

800+ targeting segments

Targeting specific groups

People across different age and income groups visit Seznam’s pages and those of its partners. They are largely older and wealthier people who make decisions about family budgets. With our intervention and proprietary data sources, we have quality audiences. We can target both general segments and very specific target groups.

Quality advertising space

At Seznam, we pride ourselves on transparency, security, quality editorial content and user-friendliness. The number of ad positions on each page is limited, making your ad more visible to users. This combined with quality content guarantees better results. At Seznam and our partners, we don’t mask domains, so you still have 100% control over where your ad appears.

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